Goal: Applications that need to read data from Kafka use a Kafka Consumer to subscribe to Kafka topics and receive messages from these topics. In this module, you will learn to construct Kafka Consumer, process messages from Kafka with Consumer, run Kafka Consumer and subscribe to Topics.
- Configure Kafka Consumer.
- Kafka Consumer API.
- Constructing Kafka Consumer.
Objectives: At the end of this module, you should be able to:
- Perform Operations on Kafka.
- Define Kafka Consumer and Consumer Groups.
- Explain how Partition Rebalance occurs.
- Describe how Partitions are assigned to Kafka Broker.
- Configure Kafka Consumer.
- Create a Kafka consumer and subscribe to Topics.
- Describe & implement different Types of Commit.
- Deserialize the received messages.
- Consumers and Consumer Groups.
- Standalone Consumer.
- Consumer Groups and Partition Rebalance.
- Creating a Kafka Consumer.
- Subscribing to Topics.
- The Poll Loop.
- Configuring Consumers.
- Commits and Offsets.
- Rebalance Listeners.
- Consuming Records with Specific Offsets.
- Deserializers.
Hands On:
- Creating a Kafka Consumer.
- Configuring a Kafka Consumer.
- Working with Offsets.