Alice is a support engineer working in TS foundation, which is a software developing company. One of its feature is enabling single sign-on for its applications.
Alices’ Day To Day Challanges:
Her task is to help the customers, and troubleshoot issues when needed. Whenever there’s a ticket for an issue, the first place she checks in, is the logs in the designated servers. She keeps searching and searching for related words or keyword match. Meanwhile there is change in logs every minute, and this is making her search, more and more hectic.
How can we help her?
Well this is where ELK stack comes into the picture.
ELK comes with elastic search, logstash and kibana stacked altogether to give her a full analytics system.
Elastic Search enables her to search logs easily and get to know the issue and resolve it in a faster manner; not only that she can get proactive by analyzing the logs, and see if any of those customers are facing any issues or failures.
Now she can log into Kibana and search for relevant keywords easily. She can even limit the research by using timestamp filter. Monitoring single sign-on activities can be easily done by using different visualization graphs on the dashboards.