Learning Objectives: At the end of this module you will learn all about a high performing agile team. This includes Agile Roles, Team Rules, Generalized Specialists, Team space, Technical and interpersonal skills, Team development, mentoring and coaching, Team Performance measurement, Team empowerment and emerging leadership.
Topics: Following is the list of topics to be covered in this module -
- 9 Tasks.
- Agile Team Roles.
- Building an Agile Team.
- Characteristics of High-Performing Team.
- Cockburn’s Skill Mastery Model (Shu-Ha-Ri).
- Dreyfus Skill Acquisition Model.
- Tuckman’s Team Formation Model.
- Team Motivation.
- Empowerment and Emerging Leadership.
- Training, Coaching & Mentoring.
- Collaborative Team Space.
- Communication and Knowledge Sharing.
- Team Performance Metrics.