Consulting Partner Application

Please read the Consulting Partner Program Requirements and Benefits before completing the application.

Fields marked with (*) are mandatory

Personal Information

Zip Code:

General Company Information

*Date Company Established (dd/mm/yyyy):
*Public or Private:
*List 10 most recent customer implementations:
*List which customers from above are references for your company and what solution was implemented.
*May we contact 3 of them?
*If Yes, please provide contact information for the 3 customers.
*If No, Why not?
Do you provide pre and post-sales services around these solutions? (check all that apply)
*Territory Coverage
Please describe the geographic territory (city, state, province, country, etc.) in which you are proposing to provide implementation services on OL Tech products :

Business Profile

What are the total (est.) revenues for your company? (in US Dollars)

Prior Year:

*Would you be willing to sub-contract consultants to OL Tech Edu ?
*List Services by your company
*What OL Tech Edu solutions for All Courses are you interested in providing services around? (check all that apply).

*What OL Tech Edu solutions for Partner Courses are you interested in providing services around? (check all that apply).

*What OL Tech Edu solutions for Certification Courses are you interested in providing services around? (check all that apply).

*Briefly describe your business objectives for partnering with OL Tech Edu. Please indicate any vertical and/or domain expertise that you have. Also include your current pre-sales, implementation and post-sales capabilities.

Key Contacts

Please include Name, Title, Phone, Fax and Email:
Business Development/Alliance Contact
Please include Name, Title, Phone, Fax and Email :
Primary Technical Contact
Please include Name, Title, Phone, Fax and Email :
This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor & to prevent automated spam submissions.
Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4.

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