Data Analytics With R Certification Training

Data Analytics with R Certification Training

Data Analytics with R training will help you gain expertise in R Programming, Data Manipulation, Exploratory Data Analysis, Data Visualization, Data Mining, Regression, Sentiment Analysis and using R Studio for real life case studies on Retail, Social Media.

R is the most popular data analytics tool owing to it being open-source, its flexibility, packages,community.

"R" wins on Statistical Capability, Graphical capability, rich set of packages and is the most preferred tool .

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Data Analytics With R UpComing Batches

Mar-21 - May-02


Timings: 07:00 AM To 10:00 AM (IST)

350.00     Enroll Now

Mar-14 - Apr-25


Timings: 20:30 PM To 23:30 PM (IST)

350.00     Enroll Now

Mar-29 - May-10


Timings: 07:00 AM To 10:00 AM (IST)

350.00     Enroll Now

Apr-05 - May-17


Timings: 20:30 PM To 23:30 PM (IST)

350.00     Enroll Now

Apr-12 - May-24


Timings: 07:00 AM To 10:00 AM (IST)

350.00     Enroll Now

Apr-19 - May-31


Timings: 20:30 PM To 23:30 PM (IST)

350.00     Enroll Now
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Course Curriculum

Data Analytics with R Certification Training


OL Tech Edu's Data Analytics with R training will help you gain expertise in R Programming, Data Manipulation, Exploratory Data Analysis, Data Visualization, Data Mining, Regression, Sentiment Analysis and using R Studio for real life case studies on Retail, Social Media.

  • WEEK 5-6
  • 10 Modules
  • 6 Hours
Data Analytics With R Training Will Help You Gain Expertise

Learning Objectives - This module introduces you to some of the important keywords in R like Business Intelligence, Business Analytics, Data and Information. You can also learn how R can play an important role in solving complex analytical problems. This module tells you what is R and how it is used by the giants like Google, Facebook, Bank of America, etc. Also, you will learn use of 'R' in the industry, this module also helps you compare R with other software in analytics, install R and its packages.

Topics :

  • Introduction to terms like Business Intelligence.
  • Business Analytics, Data, Information.
  • How information hierarchy can be improved/introduced?
  • Understanding Business Analytics and R.
  • Knowledge about the R language, its community and ecosystem.
  • Understand the use of 'R' in the industry.
  • Compare R with other software in analytics.
  • Install R and the packages useful for the course.
  • Perform basic operations in R using command line.
  • learn the use of IDE R Studio and Various GUI, use the ‘R help’ feature in R.
  • Knowledge about the worldwide R community collaboration.

Learning Objectives - This module starts from the basics of R programming like datatypes and functions. In this module, we present a scenario and let you think about the options to resolve it, such as which datatype should one to store the variable or which R function that can help you in this scenario. You will also learn how to apply the 'join' function in SQL.

Topics :

  • The various kinds of data types in R and its appropriate uses.
  • The built-in functions in R like: seq(), cbind (), rbind(), merge().
  • Knowledge on the various subsetting methods.
  • Summarize data by using functions like: str(), class(), length(), nrow(), ncol().
  • Use of functions like head(), tail(),for inspecting data.
  • Indulge in a class activity to summarize data, dplyr package to perform SQL join in R.

Learning Objectives - In this module, we start with a sample of a dirty data set and perform Data Cleaning on it, resulting in a data set, which is ready for any analysis. Thus using and exploring the popular functions required to clean data in R.

Topics :

  • The various steps involved in Data Cleaning.
  • Functions used in Data Inspection.
  • Tackling the problems faced during Data Cleaning.
  • Uses of the functions like grepl(), grep(), sub().
  • Coerce the data, uses of the apply() functions.

Learning Objectives - This module tells you about the versatility and robustness of R which can take-up data in a variety of formats, be it from a csv file to the data scraped from a website. This module teaches you various data importing techniques in R.

Topics :
  • Import data from spreadsheets and text files into R import data from other statistical formats like sas7bdat and spss.
  • Packages installation used for database import.
  • Connect to RDBMS from R using ODBC and basic SQL queries in R.
  • Basics of Web Scraping.

Learning Objectives - In this module, you will learn that exploratory data analysis is an important step in the analysis. EDA is for seeing what the data can tell us beyond the formal modeling or hypothesis. You will also learn about the various tasks involved in a typical EDA process.

Topics :
  • Understanding the Exploratory Data Analysis(EDA).
  • Implementation of EDA on various datasets, Boxplots, whiskers of Boxplots.
  • understanding the cor() in R, EDA functions like summarize(), llist().
  • Multiple packages in R for data analysis.
  • The Fancy plots like the Segment plot, HC plot in R.

Learning Objectives - In this module, you will learn that visualization is the USP of R. You will learn the concepts of creating simple as well as complex visualizations in R.

Topics :
  • Understanding on Data Visualization.
  • Graphical Functions Present in R.
  • Plot various graphs like Tableplot, Histogram, Boxplot, Customizing Graphical Parameters to Improvise Plots.
  • Understanding GUIs like Deducer and R Commander.
  • Introduction to Spatial Analysis.

Learning Objectives - This module lets you know about the various Machine Learning algorithms. The two Machine Learning types are Supervised Learning and Unsupervised Learning and the difference between the two types. We will also discuss the process involved in 'K-means Clustering', the various statistical measures you need to know to implement it in this module.

Topics :
  • Introduction to Data Mining.
  • Understanding Machine Learning.
  • Supervised and Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithms.
  • K-means Clustering.

Learning Objectives - In this module, you will learn how to find the associations between many variables using the popular data mining technique called the "Association Rule Mining", and implement it to predict buyers' next purchase. You will also learn a new technique that can be used for recommendation purpose called "Collaborative Filtering". Various real-time based scenarios are shown using these techniques in this module.

Topics :
  • Association Rule Mining.
  • User Based Collaborative Filtering (UBCF).
  • Item Based Collaborative Filtering (IBCF).

Learning Objectives - This module touches the base of 'Regression Techniques’. Linear and logistic regression is explained from the basics with the examples and it is implemented in R using two case studies dedicated to each type of Regression discussed.

Topics :

  • Linear Regression.
  • Logistic Regression.

Learning Objectives - This module tells you about the Analysis of Variance (Anova) Technique. The algorithm and various aspects of Anova have been discussed in this module. Additionally, this module also deals with Sentiment Analysis and how we can fetch, extract and mine live data from Twitter to find out the sentiment of the tweets.

Topics :

  • Anova.
  • Sentiment Analysis.

Learning Objectives - This module covers the concepts of Decision Trees and Random Forest. The algorithm for creation of trees and classification of decision trees and the various aspects like the Impurity function Gini Index, Pruning, Entropy etc are extensively taught in this module. The algorithm of Random Forests is discussed in a step-wise approach and explained with real-life examples. At the end of the class, these concepts are implemented on a real-life data set.

Topics :
  • Decision Tree.
  • the 3 elements for classification of a Decision Tree.
  • Entropy.
  • Gini Index, Pruning and Information Gain.
  • Bagging of Regression and Classification Trees.
  • Concepts of Random Forest.
  • working of Random Forest.
  • Features of Random Forest, among others.

Learning Objectives - This module discusses various concepts taught throughout the course and their implementation in a project.

Topics :
  • Analyze census data to predict insights on the income of the people.
  • Based on the factors like: Age, Education, Work-class, Occupation using Decision Trees, Logistic Regression and Random Forest.
  • Analyze the Sentiment of Twitter Data.
  • Where the data to be analyzed is streamed live from twitter and sentiment analysis is performed on the same?

Program Syllabus


You can also view the program syllabus by downloading this program Curriculum.


What are the system requirements for this course?

Your system should have minimum 4GB RAM and i3 processor or above.

How will I execute the Practicals?

For doing your practicals, you would need to install R-set-up or R-Studio on your system. The step-wise installation guides for setting up the environment on various operating systems are present in the LMS. In case you come across any doubt, the 24*7 support team will promptly assist you.

Which Case-Studies will be part of the course?

Project#1: Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Data, Industry: Social Media

Course Description

About The Course
About the Course.
  • OL Tech Edu's Data Analytics with R training course is specially designed to provide the requisite knowledge and skills to become a successful analytics professional. It covers concepts of Data Manipulation, Exploratory Data Analysis, etc before moving over to advanced topics like the Ensemble of Decision trees, Collaborative filtering, etc.

Objectives Of Our Online PySpark Training Course
Course Objectives.
  • Understand concepts around Business Intelligence and Business Analytics.
  • Explore Recommendation Systems with functions like Association Rule Mining , user-based collaborative filtering and Item-based collaborative filtering among others.
  • Apply various supervised machine learning techniques.
  • Perform Analysis of Variance (ANOVA).
  • Learn where to use algorithms - Decision Trees, Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machines, Ensemble Techniques etc.
  • Use various packages in R to create fancy plots.
  • Work on a real-life project.
  • Implementing Supervised and Unsupervised machine learning techniques to derive business insights.

Go For Online Spark Training
Why learn Data Analytics with R?
  • After the completion of the AWS Cloud course at OL Tech Edu, you will be able to:
  • The Data Analytics with R training certifies you in mastering the most popular Analytics tool.
  • "R" wins on Statistical Capability, Graphical capability, Cost, rich set of packages and is the most preferred tool for Data Scientists.
  • Below is a blog that will help you understand the significance of R and Data Science: Mastering R Is The First Step For A Top-Class Data Science Career.
  • Additionally, you need the guidance of a Hadoop expert who is currently working in the industry on real world Big Data projects and troubleshooting day to day challenges while implementing them.

Learning With Our PySpark Certification Training
Who should go for this Course?
  • This course is meant for all those students and professionals who are interested in working in analytics industry and are keen to enhance their technical skills with exposure to cutting-edge practices.
  • This is a great course for all those who are ambitious to become 'Data Analysts' in near future. This is a must learn course for professionals from Mathematics, Statistics or Economics background and interested in learning Business Analytics.

Who Should Go For Our PySpark Training Course
What are the pre-requisites for this Course?
  • The pre-requisites for learning 'Data Analytics with R' includes basic statistics knowledge.
  • We provide a complimentary course "Statistics Essentials for R" to all the participants who enroll for the Data Analytics with R Training.
  • This course helps you brush up your Statistics Skills.

Course Certification

OL Tech Edu’s Certificate Holders work at top 500s of companies like



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Instructor-led Sessions

30 Hours of Online Live Instructor-Led Classes.
Weekend Class : 10 sessions of 3 hours each.

Real Life Case Studies

Real-life Case Studies

Live project based on any of the selected use cases, involving implementation of the various real life solutions / services.



Each class will be followed by practical assignments.

24 x 7 Expert Support

24 x 7 Expert Support

We have 24x7 online support team to resolve all your technical queries, through ticket based tracking system, for the lifetime.



Towards the end of the course, OL Tech Edu certifies you for the course you had enrolled for based on the project you submit.

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