Git And Git Hub Certification Training

Git and GitHub Certification Training

OL Tech Edu Mastering Git and GitHub training course is designed to provide expertise in Git tool. It starts with fundamental concepts like Git branch, commits and progresses to advanced topics like design and Git workflow. The course will cover different components of Git and GitHub and how they are used in software development operations. The course consists of important concepts like: branching & merging, how to deal with conflicts, rebasing, merge strategies , Git workflows and so on. You will get an in-depth knowledge of these concepts and will be able to work on related demos. The course creates an understanding about how the industry uses Git in Real-Time Projects.

80% of Global Fortune 500 organizations are expected to adopt DevOps by 2021 – CA.

ADP, BBC News, ebay, GE, ING, Intuit, PayPal, Splunk, Uber & other MNCs worldwide use DevOps.

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Git And Github UpComing Batches

Mar-21 - May-02


Timings: 07:00 AM To 10:00 AM (IST)

350.00     Enroll Now

Mar-14 - Apr-25


Timings: 20:30 PM To 23:30 PM (IST)

350.00     Enroll Now

Mar-29 - May-10


Timings: 07:00 AM To 10:00 AM (IST)

350.00     Enroll Now

Apr-05 - May-17


Timings: 20:30 PM To 23:30 PM (IST)

350.00     Enroll Now

Apr-12 - May-24


Timings: 07:00 AM To 10:00 AM (IST)

350.00     Enroll Now

Apr-19 - May-31


Timings: 20:30 PM To 23:30 PM (IST)

350.00     Enroll Now
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Course Curriculum

Git and GitHub


OL Tech Edu's Mastering Git and GitHub training course is designed to provide expertise in Git tool. It starts with fundamental concepts like Git branch, commits and progresses to advanced topics like design and Git workflow. The course will cover different components of Git and GitHub and how they are used in software development operations.

  • WEEK 5-6
  • 10 Modules
  • 6 Hours
Mastering Git And Git Hub Training Course

Learning Objectives : In this module, you will learn about what is a version control system? why we need version control? types of version control system and advantages-disadvantages of traditional VCS. You will also be introduced to the basics of GIT. 

  • Version Control/Revision Control System.
  • The Types of VCS.
  • The Benefits of using VCS.
  • What is GIT?
  • The Difference between GIT and other VCS.
  • Where to use Git and where not to use it?
  • Web Scale Architecture.

Objectives : In this module, you will learn how to install, setup and configure Git on different OS. You will also see the different configurations possible. You will be creating an account on GitHub and will see different options available on it. 

  • Install Git on Windows/Mac/Linux/Unix.
  • Understand Git File Life Cycle.
  • Create Git Repository - Local Repository and Configure it to GitHub.
  • Create a Repository on GitHub and Clone it.
  • Understand Basic Git Commands.
  • Git Command Shortcuts.
  • Revisit the Git file Lifecycle with Git Terminology.

Objectives : In this module, you will learn the Git file lifecycle, perform demos on remote repositories and understand local and remote repositories. You will also work with remote repository and perform the git operations on the remote repository 

  • Work with Remote Repositories.
  • Configure Remote Repository on GitHub.
  • Understand Git Buzzwords.
  • Understand Remote Commands.
  • Work with Fork and Pull Requests in GitHub.
  • Understand Upstream and Downstream.

Hands On:
  • Perform GIT Operations on the Remote Repository.

Objectives : In this module, you will work on branching and merging. Branching and merging is one of the key features and in this section, you will be learning different ways of merging the branches and how to perform basic git operations on branches like create, checkout, delete and so on. You will also create tags and understand the difference between branch and tag. 

  • Branching in Git.
  • How Git Internally Manages Branches?
  • How to Switch between Branches and Different Commits?
  • Two Way Merge and Three Way Merge.
  • Merging Strategies.
  • Merging and Rebasing (using Source tree).
  • Git Tags.
  • Difference between Branching and Tagging.

Hands On:
  • Performing Different Branching and Merging Operations.
  • Using Git Tags.
  • How to use Git Stash?

Objectives: In this module, you will look at the different workflows that are possible in Git. You will also see the different kinds of workflows that can be created to suit our development need. 

  • What is GIT Workflow?
  • Advantages of Workflow?
  • Different types of Workflows in Git.
  • Centralized Workflow.
  • Feature Branch Workflow.
  • Gitflow Workflow.
  • Forking Workflow.
  • How to use Git in Real Time Open Source Projects?

Objectives: In this module, you will install git plugin on Eclipse and IntelliJ IDE and walk through all the git commands using the IDE. You will also look at the GitHub UI and explore various options available on GitHub. 

  • Install Eclipse IDE.
  • Install IntelliJ IDE.
  • Configure Git Plugin.
  • Work with Git using IDE.
  • How to Work with Git Workflow on Eclipse IDE?
  • Explore GitHub UI Options.

Hands On:
  • Using Git with Eclipse IDE.
  • Using Git with IntellJ IDE.

Program Syllabus


You can also view the program syllabus by downloading this program Curriculum.


How will I execute the Practical?

For performing the practical’s, Git software must be installed. The software can be downloaded from below website: -Links: The detailed installation guides are provided in the LMS for setting up the environment.

Which Case-Studies will be part of the course?

The following will be done by the participants during Project work after creating an account on GitHub:- Fork the repository that will be created by the trainer for the project, Clone the forked repository on to local machinet -Create a pull request for other developers, Work on the pull request feature and provide comments on GitHub UI.

Course Description

Course Certification

OL Tech Edu’s Certificate Holders work at top 500s of companies like



Explore step by step paths to get started on your journey to Jobs of Today and Tomorrow.

Instructor-led Sessions

30 Hours of Online Live Instructor-Led Classes.
Weekend Class : 10 sessions of 3 hours each.

Real Life Case Studies

Real-life Case Studies

Live project based on any of the selected use cases, involving implementation of the various real life solutions / services.



Each class will be followed by practical assignments.

24 x 7 Expert Support

24 x 7 Expert Support

We have 24x7 online support team to resolve all your technical queries, through ticket based tracking system, for the lifetime.



Towards the end of the course, OL Tech Edu certifies you for the course you had enrolled for based on the project you submit.

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