Python Django Certification Training

Python Django Certification Training

OL Tech Edu's Django course helps you gain expertise in Django REST framework, Django Models, Django AJAX, Django jQuery etc. You'll master Django web framework while working on real-time use cases and receive Django certification at the end of the course.

Django is the most popular web framework for Python.

Disqus, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, NASA, The Washington Post and other top companies use Python with Django.

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Python Django UpComing Batches

Jul-27 - Sep-07


Timings: 07:00 AM To 10:00 AM (IST)

350.00     Enroll Now

Jul-20 - Aug-31


Timings: 20:30 PM To 23:30 PM (IST)

350.00     Enroll Now

Jul-27 - Sep-07


Timings: 07:00 AM To 10:00 AM (IST)

350.00     Enroll Now

Aug-03 - Sep-14


Timings: 20:30 PM To 23:30 PM (IST)

350.00     Enroll Now

Aug-10 - Sep-21


Timings: 07:00 AM To 10:00 AM (IST)

350.00     Enroll Now

Aug-17 - Sep-28


Timings: 20:30 PM To 23:30 PM (IST)

350.00     Enroll Now
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Course Curriculum

Python Django Training and Certification


OL Tech Edu's Django course helps you gain expertise in Django REST framework, Django Models, Django AJAX, Django jQuery etc. You'll master Django web framework while working on real-time use cases and receive Django certification at the end of the course.

  • WEEK 5-6
  • 10 Modules
  • 6 Hours
Expertise In Django REST Framework

Goal : Give brief idea of what Python is and touch on basics.


  • Define Python.
  • Know Why Python is Popular.
  • Setup Python Environment.
  • Discuss Flow Control.
  • Write your First Python Program.

  • Get an Overview of Python.  
  • Learn about Interpreted Languages . 
  • List the Advantages or Disadvantages of Python.  
  • Explore Pydoc.  
  • Start Python.  
  • Discuss Interpreter PATH.
  • Use the Interpreter. 
  • Run a Python Script.  
  • Discuss Python Scripts on UNIX/Windows.  
  • Explore Python Editors and IDEs. 
  • Use Variables.
  • Keywords.
  • Built-in Functions.
  • Strings.
  • Different Literals.
  • Math Operators and Expressions.
  • Writing to the Screen.
  • String Formatting.
  • Command Line Parameters and Flow Control. 

Hands On:
  • Data Types - String, Numbers, Dates.
  • Keywords.
  • Variables.
  • Literals.

    Goal : Learn different types of sequence structures, related operations and their usage. Also learn diverse ways of opening, reading, and writing to files.


    • Define Reserved Keywords and Command Line Arguments.
    • Describe How to Get User Input from Keyboard.
    • Describe Flow Control and Sequences.
    • Practice Working with Files.
    • Define, Describe Dictionaries and Sets.

    • Lists.
    • Tuples.
    • Indexing and Slicing.
    • Iterating Through a Sequence.
    • Functions for all Sequences.
    • Using enumerate().
    • Operators and Keywords for Sequences.
    • The xrange() Function.
    • List Comprehensions.
    • Generator Expressions.
    • Dictionaries and Sets.
    • Working with Files.
    • Modes of Opening a File.
    • File Attributes.
    • File Methods.

    Hands On:
    • List - Properties, Related Operations.
    • Tuple - Properties, Related Operations, Comparison with List.
    • Dictionary - Properties, Related Operations, Comparison with List.
    • Set - Properties, Related Operations, Comparison with Dictionary.

      Goal : Learn how to create generic python scripts, how to address errors/exceptions in code and finally how to extract/filter content using regex.


      • Explain Functions and Various Forms of Function Arguments.
      • Explain Standard Library.
      • Define Modules.
      • Describe Zip Archives and Packaging.

      • Functions.
      • Function Parameters.
      • Global Variables.
      • Variable scope and Returning Values.
      • Sorting.
      • Alternate Keys.
      • Lambda Functions.
      • Sorting Collections of Collections.
      • Sorting Dictionaries.
      • Sorting Lists in Place.
      • Errors and Exception Handling.
      • Handling Multiple Exceptions.
      • The Standard Exception Hierarchy using Modules.
      • The Import Statement.
      • Module Search Path.
      • Package Installation Ways Module Aliases and Regular Expressions.

      Hands On / Demo :
      • Functions - Syntax, Arguments, keyword Arguments, Return Values.
      • Lambda - Features, syntax, Options, Comparison with Functions.
      • Sorting - Sequences, Dictionaries, Limitations of Sorting.
      • Errors and Exceptions - Types of issues, Remediation.
      • Packages and Module - Modules, Import Options, Sys Path.

        Goal : Understand the Object-Oriented Programming world in Python and use of standard libraries.


        • Implement Regular Expression and its Basic Functions.
        • Use Classes, Objects and Attributes.
        • Develop Applications based on Object Oriented Programming and Methods.

        • The SYS Module.
        • Interpreter Information.
        • STDIO.
        • Launching External Programs.
        • Paths.
        • Directories and Filenames.
        • Walking directory trees.
        • Math Function.
        • Random Numbers.
        • Dates and Times.
        • Zipped Archives.
        • Introduction to Python Classes.
        • Defining Classes.
        • Initializes.
        • Instance Methods
        • Properties.
        • Class Methods and Data.
        • Static Methods.
        • Private Methods and Inheritance.

        Hands On:
        • Regular Expressions - Regex Library, Search/Match Object, Findall, Sub, Compile.
        • Classes - Classes and Objects, Access Modifiers, Instance and Class Members.
        • OOPS Paradigm - Inheritance, Polymorphism and Encapsulation in Python.

          Goal : Learn how to debug, how to use databases and how a project skeleton looks like in Python.


          • Debug Python Scripts using PDB.
          • Debug Python Scripts using IDE.
          • Classify Errors.
          • Develop Unit Tests.
          • Create Project Skeletons.
          • Implement Database using SQLite.
          • Perform CRUD operations on SQLite Database.

          • Debugging.
          • Dealing with Errors.
          • Using Unit Tests.
          • Project Skeleton.
          • Required Packages.
          • Creating the Skeleton.
          • Project Directory.
          • Final Directory Structure.
          • Testing your Set Up.
          • Using the Skeleton.
          • Creating a Database with SQLite 3.
          • CRUD Operations.
          • Creating a Database Object.

          Hands On:
          • Debugging - Debugging Options, Logging, Troubleshooting.
          • Unit Testing - TDD, Unittest Library, assertions, Automated Testing.
          • Project Skeleton - Industry Standard, Configurations, Sharable Libraries.
          • RDBMS - Python for RDBMS, PEP 49, CRUD Operations on Sqlite.

            Goal : In this module, you will be introduced to Django and learn how to create views and perform URL mapping

            Objectives :

            • Explain Web Framework. 
            • Explain MVC Pattern.
            • Create a Basic Django App.
            • Create Views.
            • Use HTTP Request and Response Objects.
            • Use URLConf. 

            Topics :
            • Web Development.
            • Introduction to Django Web Framework.
            • Features of Django.
            • Installing Django.
            • MVC Model.
            • HTTP Concepts.
            • Views.
            • URL Mapping.

            Hands On/Demo :
            • Create a Simple View using Django.

            Goal : In this module, you will learn how to create Templates and Forms in Django

            Objectives :

            • Explain the Django Template System.
            • Load Template Files.
            • Render Templates.
            • Create Forms.
            • Process Form Data.
            • Customize Form Field Validation.

            Topics :
            • Django Template Language.
            • Utilities of Templates.
            • Creating Template Objects.
            • Tags, Variables and Filters.
            • Rendering Templates.
            • Template Inheritance.
            • Form Handling.
            • Form Validation and Error Messages.
            • Form Display.

            Hands On/Demo :
            • Create a Form that Accepts Personal Data to from a User.

            Goal : In this module, you will learn how to create Database Models and add Dynamic content to your webpages

            Objectives :

            • Define Database Models.
            • Use Model Fields.
            • Populate a Database.
            • CRUD.
            • Use QuerySets for Data Retrieval.
            • Use jQuery and AJAX with Django to Create Dynamic Websites.

            Topics :
            • Django Models.
            • Model Fields.
            • Model Inheritance.
            • CRUD on DB.
            • Primary Keys and the Model.
            • Dynamic Webpages.
            • Toggle Hidden Content.
            • jQuery and AJAX Integration.

            Hands On/Demo :
            • Adding a Like Button to a Webpage.

            Goal : In this module, you will learn how to serialize and deserialize data and create APIs

            Objectives :

            • Explain Data Serialization.
            • Use Django’s REST Framework.
            • Use Serializers and Deserializers.
            • Use Model Serializers.
            • Use REST APIs.

            Topics :
            • Serialization and Deserialization.
            • Django REST Framework.
            • Serializer Class.
            • Model Serializers.
            • REST APIs.

            Hands On/Demo :
            • Creating a REST API.

            Goal : In this module, you will learn how to parse data stored in XML & JSON formats using Python

            Objectives :

            • Explain XML and JSON File Formats. 
            • Explain XML-RPC.
            • Parse Data Stored in both XML and JSON Formats.
            • Stores data in XML and JSON Formats.

            Topics :
            • XML-RPC.
            • XML, Parsing Object to XML and Back.
            • JSON, Parsing Object to JSON and Back.

            Hands On/Demo :
            • Parse data stored in XML/JSON format to native Python type and vice-versa

            Program Syllabus


            You can also view the program syllabus by downloading this program Curriculum.


            What are the system requirements for this course?

            The course has no special hardware requirements. It only requires a VM software (preferably VirtualBox) with an image of the Ubuntu OS in which Django 1.11 and Django s REST framework are installed. 4 GB Ram will be recommended.

            How will I execute the practicals?

            All practicals will be executed within the VM where an image of the Ubuntu OS in which Django 1.11 and Django s REST framework are installed and the solutions should be uploaded for evaluation. In case if you face any issues, we have 24x7 Expert Support to help you with your queries.

            Which case-studies will be part of Certification Course?

            Create a Django Web App for the Following Case:- Pollster is an online web application on which different online polls are hosted and conducted. The application hosts various polls on any topic and votes are garnered online. Only registered users can vote on the various polls hosted on the site.

            Course Certification

            OL Tech Edu’s Certificate Holders work at top 500s of companies like



            Explore step by step paths to get started on your journey to Jobs of Today and Tomorrow.

            Instructor-led Sessions

            30 Hours of Online Live Instructor-Led Classes.
            Weekend Class : 10 sessions of 3 hours each.

            Real Life Case Studies

            Real-life Case Studies

            Live project based on any of the selected use cases, involving implementation of the various real life solutions / services.



            Each class will be followed by practical assignments.

            24 x 7 Expert Support

            24 x 7 Expert Support

            We have 24x7 online support team to resolve all your technical queries, through ticket based tracking system, for the lifetime.



            Towards the end of the course, OL Tech Edu certifies you for the course you had enrolled for based on the project you submit.

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